Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Week 12: Problem solving episode of diagonals problem

The rough work:

To summarize:

Understand the problem:

-You have a rectangular grid of m rows and n columns.
-m and n are positive whole numbers (1, 2, 3...).
-A diagonal is drawn from the upper left to the lower right corner.
-The diagonal touches some of the interior grid squares.

Problem: Calculate the number of squares x that the diagonal meets, given m and n.

Preliminary observations:
-The problem can be divided into smaller problems, in that if m and n have a greatest common divisor = gcd, then this rectangle can be divided into smaller rectangles with m' = m/gcd and n' = n/gcd.

Devise a plan:

-Start with rectangles with the smallest ratios of m:n such that their gcd is 1.
-"Extend" each rectangle once such that the rows are m + m and the columns are n + n.
-Find a pattern between x and m, n.
-Find a pattern between the smallest ratio rectangles and the extended rectangles.

Carry out the plan:

-Draw a lot of rectangles! See above.

-For m = a and n = b, the x is the same as m = b and n = a.
-As predicted, "extending" each rectangle proportionally does not affect the slope of the diagonal.
-For a pair of m and n whose gcd is 1, x = m + n - 1.
-The relationship between x for the rectangle with said m and n pair and x' for the "extended" rectangle with m' = gcd * m and n' = gcd * n is: x' = gcd * x
-Then for any m and n, x = gcd ( m/gcd + n/gcd - 1) = m + n - gcd

The solution: x = m + n - gcd
where x = number of square grids
          m = rows
           n = columns
       gcd = greatest common divisor of m and n

Looking back:

My first attempt in the rough work did not lead me anywhere, and I had to go back and revise the plan. (The first attempt involved dividing the possibilities into several cases, such as m = n, m and n are odd, etc., extending each case, and finding a pattern for each case. However, I immediately realized that sometimes, extending the case where m and n are odd can lead to a case where m and n are even, so that patterns for these cases may not be very different.)

When I was drawing the rectangles, I did not notice at first that the pattern was m + n - 1 for the smallest rectangles. At first I thought only in terms of the largest of the two numbers, which I always chose to be n. Then x was always n + some number that increased with m. When I was finally done drawing and looked back over all the examples, the pattern became clear!

Week 11: Tackling halting functions

Part of the reason I struggled with understanding last week's lecture was that I am not familiar with Python. I had started with Java, and one of the things that confused me was having a function inside another function, since in Java you could not have nested methods.

Last week we talked about a function halt(f, n) that takes a function f and determines if it halts, given the input n, and learned that no one can write halt(f, n) that works for all Python functions. To prove this, we can first assume that it is possible to write such a function, use a function clever(f) that reduces to halt(f, n), and prove that it leads to a contradiction. We looked at the following function:

1. def clever(f)
2.    while halt(f, f):
3.        pass
4.    return 42

and considered the case of clever(clever):
If clever(clever) halts, then then halt(clever, clever) on line 2 returns true, and we enter into an infinite while loop, and clever(clever) does not halt.
In the other case, if clever(clever) does not halt, then halt(clever, clever) on line 2 returns false, then we skip line 3 and return 42 at line 4, and clever(clever) halts.
Since both cases lead to a contradiction, we have just proven that no one can write halt(f, n)!

From here, we can prove that some function is not computable if we can show that halt(f, n) reduces to said function.

Week 10: This will be brief.

We learned big-Oh proofs for general functions this week, so that we we can say things like

and proceed to amaze our friends. Then we moved on to halting functions...
... ???????????????????????

Week 9: It wasn't me, it was Netflix

9-10pm on November 3 was not my finest hour. I really should have gone over the hints given in class, I had completely forgotten about them! To give you the general idea, the hour before the assignment 2 deadline involved a lot of frantic scribbling, angry muttering directed at inanimate objects, and various large gestures of exasperation and defeat. Good thing I found a cubicle at the library, or I would have been exposed as a crazy person.

What led to this madness? Well as predicted, numerous Walking Dead episodes were involved (don't blame me, my roommate was the enabler!). Zombies are indeed gross.

So, you might say...
assume I did badly on an assignment
   then I either was subscribed to Netflix, or I was not subscribed to Netflix #A or not A
   case 1: I was subscribed to Netflix
      then I watched too many Netflix shows #this naturally follows because I have no self-restraint
      then Netflix distracted me from the assignment
      then it was Netflix's fault
   case 2: I was not subscribed to Netflix
      then I was suffering from Netflix withdrawal #that happens, right?
      then Netflix-lessness distracted me from the assignment
      then it was Netflix's fault
   then in either case, it was Netflix's fault
then I did badly on an assignment implies that it was Netflix's fault #sounds reasonable to me!

This week in lecture, we learned big-Oh proofs... calculus was involved. I felt comfortable with most of the things taught in class, but sometimes the examples were hard to follow when I'm just seeing (many, many, many) symbols on a screen and I haven't worked out the problem myself. Generally, I find that the lectures are a good introduction to the material, the tutorials provide very useful practice for consolidating what I've learned and for asking questions, and the course notes are the reason why I have to purchase a new pair of glasses this year (but they're still very helpful!).

Week 8: Let's be formal

This week we learned the formal definition of big O.

This means that f(n) is in O(n^2) if and only if after a certain breakpoint B (for all values of n >= B), the graph of f(n) is upper-bounded by the graph of cn^2 (where n^2 is multiplied by a big enough constant factor c). In other words, f(n) eventually grows at the same rate as n^2 at most, if not slower.

Similarly, we can define the lower-bound, when f(n) eventually grows at least as fast as n^2:

and the tight bound, when f(n) grows at the same rate as n^2:

Thus, we can say that 7n^2 is in Θ(n^2). From the graph below, we can see that 7n^2 is upper-bounded by 10n^2 and lower-bounded by n^2.

We also calculated the number of steps an algorithm takes depending on the input size n in the worst case scenario, which turned out to be not as difficult as I had imagined. Of course, we were only looking at simple algorithms. I'm curious now as to what we will be learning in CSC236.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 7: :O :O :O

This week we finished up proof techniques and moved on to program complexity, mainly big O and the number of steps of an algorithm.

This is the first real thing that relates mathematical reasoning to computer science, which makes it interesting for me. Since my old brick / laptop was rather slow and outdated, I understand well the importance of running time analysis. I still find it strange that big O ignores constant factors and lower order terms, so that 100000n^3 + n is considered the same as 0.1n^3, even though in "real running time", this makes a difference (at least it did on my brick). I guess the key thing to be aware of is not to confuse the number of steps of a program with the time the program takes to run on some hardware. The same program will be slow on a slow computer and fast on a fast computer, but the running time does not differ between computers and is not measured as units of time, but as units related to the number of steps, determined solely based on the algorithm. Specifically, running time looks at how quickly the number of steps carried out by the algorithm grows as the input size grows. Relating this to real life, often we want to look through a large number of items in a short time, such as when you google "computer science" and google proudly reports that it found about 272,000,000 results in 0.52 seconds. When we are calculating the number of steps for large input sizes, only the highest order term matters, and the rest only contribute a small difference. Therefore, it is more useful to say that 100000n^3 + n grows no faster than n^3, asymptotically.

I guess now we're going to have to prove that some algorithm is O(n)? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo..............

Week 6: So many proofs

This week we learned proofs for non-boolean functions such as floor and ceiling functions, and for limits, which I found a little challenging. (I am also deeply distraught that proof by illegibility is not valid. Fine... you caught me.)

If I had thought that the definition of a limit was confusing, the proof for it is something else. From last week, we learned that

can be defined as

so that as ε gets smaller, x approaches 2, and as δ gets smaller, f(x) = x2 approaches 4. To prove this, we must show that for all positive values of ε, there is a positive value δ such that if | x - 2 | < δ then | x2 - 4 | < ε. The key to this proof is to choose an appropriate δ, in terms of ε, such that allows us to transition from | x - 2 | < δ to  | x2 - 4 | < ε. This is a complicated step, and involves some clever manipulations. It took several minutes of stupefied staring at the lecture notes to fully understand the choice of δ for this proof. Further stupefied staring at the mass of confusion that is course notes and I begin to see that writing proofs is not just about thinking logically; it involves searching outside the box for a creative solution, then presenting it logically.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Week 5: More proofs

I'm glad to have assignment 1 and term test 1 behind me. I had felt very unsure about everything in assignment 1, but one trip to Larry's office hours turned out to be very helpful and productive. Question 5 had made no sense to me, but I walked out of there feeling confident about my answers. I felt that I did decently on the test as well. Thank goodness for the practice tests, they were excellent practice and prepared me well so that there were no surprises on the test.

This week, we learned more proof techniques. In general, the material seemed straightforward, as it always does once the answer is in front already of you. Proofs are meant to be read easily, but I'm starting to realize that actually coming up with a proof requires a substantial amount of creativity. I will need to do many practice problems if I hope to do well on the next test. For the next assignment, I anticipate a lot of staring blankly at the questions, some useless scribbling, then giving up and binge watching The Walking Dead (zombies are really gross).

Week 4: You can't prove that I didn't write this in October

This week we talked about transitivity, limits, and structured proofs.

The definition of a limit was a little hard for me to understand. For example, take the function we saw in lecture, f(x) = x^2:

When I had first seen something similar to this in a calculus textbook, it made no sense to me. But in the context of this lecture, one way that I think of it is: "If my enemy chooses any e, then I can choose a d such that for all x-values that differ from 2 by less than d, the corresponding f(x) values will differ from 4 by less than e." So for some function g(x):

From this, I can see how as d gets smaller (x → xo), e can also get smaller (y → yo), so that:

We also started learning about proofs, and looked at some examples for direct proofs of universally quantified implications. I appreciate how rigorous proofs are, and how clearly and throughly one step must lead to the next, so that ultimately P leads to Q, and the implication is undeniably true.
Then we came across the "unexpected hanging paradox", and for a second I felt like I had just unlearned everything from the last twenty minutes!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 3: This is how folding paper is very hard

We were presented with an interesting problem in this Friday's lecture:

If you continuously fold a strip of paper in half, each time folding the left end over the right end, how will the resulting sequence of up and down creases correlate with how many times it was folded?

Copious folding ensued and was recorded (reading RIGHT to LEFT):

#1 = D
#2 = D D U
#3 = D D U D D U U
#4 = D D U D D U U D D D U U D U U
#5 = we got very confused!

where the number of times the paper was folded is followed by the resulting sequence with U representing an upward crease and D representing a downward crease.

My partner and I noticed the following patterns:

- the entire sequence from the previous fold is contained in and at the beginning of the next fold
- there is some symmetry across all "middle" folds that divide their segment of the paper in half
- a lot of other details, like how creases of the next fold build on existing creases, so new creases crop up between each old crease, inspiring us to draw complicated pyramid structures with lines linking old creases down the pyramid, which turned out to be completely useless so please don't try to make sense of this sentence!

It took a third partner to pull us out of this pointless pyramid-scribbling to find a simple solution:

step 1: start with the entire sequence from the previous fold; and then add a D
step 2: "mirror" everything across the last D
step 3: replace each character from the previous step with its "opposite" character

My attempt to put this into code produces (I didn't test this a whole lot!):

public static String fold(int times)
if(times == 0) return "";
return sequence(times, 1, "0"); // 0 for down crease, 1 for up crease

private static String sequence(int times, int count, String prev)
if(count == times) return prev;
String mirrored = "";
for(int i = prev.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
mirrored += (Character.getNumericValue(prev.charAt(i)) + 1) % 2;
prev += "0" + mirrored;
return sequence(times, ++count, prev);

Using these methods, fold(5) returns 0010011000110110001001110011011, where 0 = D and 1 = U.

From this exercise I learned the importance of mastering the mighty computer science laziness! While I was hung up on distracting details that were clearly leading me to a complicated and wholly impractical solution, the obvious patterns were right there on the page, ready to be assembled into a very simple solution!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 1: Oh look, I'm blogging!

Welcome to my blog! Here I will record my experiences in CSC165, mathematical expression and reasoning, over the next few months. Hopefully you will find it interesting (haha... probably not) and it will help me process and consolidate all this new information. ADDITIONALLY (mostly), it satisfies my course requirements and I have no clue what people write in blogs!

Week 1 and 2 have gone by and I understand some material but I've imagined the rest. The lectures are very informational but occasionally a problem is introduced and I'm still musing over it while the class has moved on to another point and I've missed what a symbol or a term means and suddenly there is alien language all over the place and I'm completely lost!

∀ x ∈ E, F(x) ⇒ ¬ L(x)

Well, that's a dysfunctional funnel there with some water that will never funnel out since there's no hole at the bottom... x is an element of E! I know that one. There's also a fat arrow, one of those specialized Ikea tools, and some F(x) and L(x) that mean stuff.

The tutorial that I had in week 2, though, finally forced me to sit down and work through some of the problems. With the smaller class size, more individualized attention, and the threat of failing the quiz at the end of tutorial, suddenly everything made sense. For all x that is an element of E, F(x) returning true implies that L(x) will return false! (Right?)