9-10pm on November 3 was not my finest hour. I really should have gone over the hints given in class, I had completely forgotten about them! To give you the general idea, the hour before the assignment 2 deadline involved a lot of frantic scribbling, angry muttering directed at inanimate objects, and various large gestures of exasperation and defeat. Good thing I found a cubicle at the library, or I would have been exposed as a crazy person.
What led to this madness? Well as predicted, numerous Walking Dead episodes were involved (don't blame me, my roommate was the enabler!). Zombies are indeed gross.
So, you might say...
assume I did badly on an assignment
then I either was subscribed to Netflix, or I was not subscribed to Netflix #A or not A
case 1: I was subscribed to Netflix
then I watched too many Netflix shows #this naturally follows because I have no self-restraint
then Netflix distracted me from the assignment
then it was Netflix's fault
case 2: I was not subscribed to Netflix
then I was suffering from Netflix withdrawal #that happens, right?
then Netflix-lessness distracted me from the assignment
then it was Netflix's fault
then in either case, it was Netflix's fault
then I did badly on an assignment implies that it was Netflix's fault #sounds reasonable to me!
This week in lecture, we learned big-Oh proofs... calculus was involved. I felt comfortable with most of the things taught in class, but sometimes the examples were hard to follow when I'm just seeing (many, many, many) symbols on a screen and I haven't worked out the problem myself. Generally, I find that the lectures are a good introduction to the material, the tutorials provide very useful practice for consolidating what I've learned and for asking questions, and the course notes are the reason why I have to purchase a new pair of glasses this year (but they're still very helpful!).
Netflix is evil sometimes. I swear it instantly stops you from doing your work. Its also clear that we can only blame netflix for last minute assignment stuff as your proof clearly shows haha